Friday 10 February 2012

Multitasking artists

Marion and John exhibiting their exemplary brushwork last night.

Illustrated lecture on composition by Jean Napier

Juliet welcomed Jean as our first visiting speaker of the year. Whilst we were waiting for the lecture proper to start at 7 pm, Jean played a slide show of wonderful images of puffins on Skomer.

She then dealt with the main principles of composition, starting with the Fibonacci series and the "rule of thirds". She used as examples some of her own photographs, and explained potential pitfalls to avoid.

Over refreshments we had a lively dialogue: Jean had brought in mounted examples of a range of her fine photographs, and we were asked to identify our favourite and least favourite images, and to explain our reasons. It was fascinating to see that the same image could be rated high and low by different members. The main reason for favouring a particular photo was that it chimed with happy memories of favourite places and themes.

Sylvia concluded the evening by delivering an enthusiastic vote of thanks.

Thursday 9 February 2012

New gallery

We're now loading some examples of our work on the new gallery pages. Just click on the "Gallery" tab above to see them.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Collage evening

Beryl started us off creating collages by showing us some of her work (one done in the '60s when she was tutored by the late Richard Hamilton), and then we got straight down to it. The meeting was so well attended there was hardly room to glue.

Next week we have a break from practical work – an illustrated lecture by the well-known photographer Jean Napier.

A stuck-up lot: some of group experimenting with glue and paper.
Thanks to Dot for the photo.